Sunday, September 7, 2008

Understanding Female Independence

(Originally printed in Psychic Reader, January 1983)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

One of the great diseases of the soul is loneliness. Loneliness equals no motion, and no motion equals no growth. A soul personality cannot create and be creative unless it (the soul) has a body. The minute a soul takes a body, it ceases to experience its former existence. This is because one of the abilities of the soul personality is that it is always becoming something. The problems in our present time are really no different than the problems of 2,000 or 3,000 years ago.

Let me put it to you in a different perspective. Male and females have the same amount of soul personality energy, or psychic energy. A female uses her psychic energy to create an emotional and physical space in which she gives energy to those she loves. The more she is lonely and guilty, the more she will give to those who will let her give. She might experience this as giving to a church, a club, or a group that she feels enhances her creative ability. The only reason many women put such a high price on “virtues” is that somewhere down the line, they plan to create a space to survive and have their children. Then these same ladies will give it all to those in that home!

On an intuitive and knowingness level, the female can take over the autonomy of the male body space. Therefore, the creative energy in a man is used for one purpose: to break the apron strings and create a male dynasty in a body that has been created by a woman.

The only true understanding between a male and a female comes from experience—from experiencing one another. The pendulum swings back and forth. For the last 2,000 years, men have been experiencing women by controlling them. For a man, this was the only safe way he could exist, or you might say, to own his space.

Part of the problem of misunderstanding is that the male never learned to give to the female. Or the only energy he can give is with strings of control. So the pendulum is now swinging towards female independence. This struggle for female independence has seen some interesting regressions. From where I sit as a clairvoyant, I observe groups of women being caught up in a space where they can control one another. So they create a better competition game with each other than they can with a man or a group of men!

I think that freedom to a woman is finding anyone with whom she can communicate while being able to maintain her own space and have validation. However, if men are fighting within their own natures and cannot give this validation, I guess we will all have to be thrown in the pot, shaken up, and left to choose our mates on an unknowing level, to “experience” one another. And I think someone said, “Damn the torpedoes… full speed ahead!” The only safe place is “I” the psychic.

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