Sunday, September 28, 2008

Believing Everyone Else's Lies: Why You Can't Say Hello

(Originally printed in Psychic Life, Vol. 2, No. 6, 1982)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

How did our communication get all garbled? Why can’t we hear or speak clearly?

Once upon a time, a long time ago, there was a God who became very frustrated. When He created a likeness of Himself, He gave His creations the ability to communicate. But they became so interested in communicating with one another—and so enthralled with pretty rocks, lovely yellow metal, and creative physical expression (sex), that they forgot to communicate with Him. God became very angry at this! Suddenly one day, He heard a lot of angry words and saw a group of His creative beings building a tower… He heard the verbal communication… the noise, and He realized that they had forgotten how to communicate. “Thou stupid cowards,” He said. “Thou shalt only have the gift of tongues until you learn how to communicate on a spirit level.”

It seems we still have not learned this lesson. Human beings are a very peculiar combination of man and spirit. The mass—a body—can communicate on an emotional level, and the spirit can communicate on a mental image level (that is, a nonverbal, or a “picture”, or a mental telepathy level).

From generation to generation, a horrible sin perpetuates itself. That is the assumption that “you know as much as I do.” How many times have I given my four-year-old a little swat or spoken in anger because I assumed she knew as much as I did! And this happens with mother and daughter, father and son, husband and wife, employee and employer, teacher and student, scientist and layman…

So it is with all spirit. We assume that another spirit knows everything, that it is all-loving, all-beautiful, and all-creative. This is the truth! BUT—a big but!—if you have a lie stuck in some part of you that Daddy is pain and Mama is total survival (otherwise known as “love”), your wonderful, pure spiritual energy runs right through this lie, and the emotional levels of your body change. Your communication with your Dad and Mother is altered for the rest of your life.

Now, once you, the spirit, have lost your ability to express yourself with freedom and clarity, you take your pictures full of pain and create a picture of SYMPATHY, from and toward all your peers growing up with the same problems. Do you see how this works? We cover these all up with lies till the time comes when we can no longer communicate with one another.

Then—be amused!—we create law. Since we have lost our ability to be free and create as spirit, we start playing the game of law. The game of law represents symbols of father and mother—and the only reward is punishment (“recognition”). What a bad game.

We are so stuck in this game—with its sub-games of “you must be perfect” or “you must be the best” (i.e. competition)—that our prisons and juvenile homes are full. Psychiatrists, psychologists, doctors and scientists know nothing of spirit and how spirit communicates.

An effect of the law game is that the sensitive, creative human being will create whatever the authority expects, even killing, lying, cheating and breaking the rules. This is because people have been taught to please the game player, instead of knowing the God within themselves, or the message Jesus and other creators brought.

Mankind has always destroyed communication. Rulers and authorities create an atom bomb to threaten your survival—and it acts as an iron collar around your neck. Hello, slave. You are in my power. What?! You don’t believe in God? Send that man to the doctor, give him some pills to turn him into a good slave.

Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha. I’m a bad guy.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Women's Creativity

A 6-week class for female graduates and clairvoyant students. Enrollment is open for the first 2 weeks.

Date: Thursdays, October 9 - November 13, 2008
Time: 7:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Place: BPI Berkeley; online at other locations (call 510-644-1600 to register)
  • Ground and run female creative energy in your body and aura, then through the front female creative energy channel and your chakras.
  • Learn to separate your female creative energy from your mother's.
  • Learn to run it to heal yourself.
  • Find your space and discover your own personal power.
  • Have fun, play and experience your own beauty.
  • Use your female creative energy to turn on your sexuality, sensuality, and highest creativity.
  • Did I say, have FUN! Be silly, be a bitch, and have fun being one.
  • Have your own amusement!
  • Kick baby beings out of your space, or select the one you want.
6-week classes consist of six 2-1/2-hour classes. Taught by Carmen Figueras.

Prerequisite: Women's Intuition & enrollment in the Clairvoyant Program
Contribution: $200

Call 510-548-8020 for more information.

Men's Healing Day

Date: Saturday, October 4, 2008

Please call 510-548-8020 for details.

Men in Business

The Men's Fellowship Program presents:
Men in Business

Date: Wednesdays, October 8 - November 12, 2008
Time: 7:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Place: 2210 Harold Way, Berkeley

Taught by Soren Jensen.

Open to all men. First-time visitors are free. Drop-in class, $40 contribution. Entire session is $200.

Questions? Call us at 510-848-5020. For online registration, call 510-644-1600


The Men's Fellowship

The Men's Fellowship has been a gathering place for men for over 25 years. We support any man who is interested in developing his spiritual awareness. We believe that any man can heal himself by consciously experiencing his own spiritual vibration, which is distinctively different from his family, demands and responsibilities.

We teach the Spirit to own, validate and heal the Body. We teach meditation using simple, yet powerful, psychic tools. These tools allow each man to find and experience his own unique freedom, certainty and prosperity. These are spiritual tools that work without effort and seriousness, providing a powerful self-healing experience to the men in our group.

Sex, Kundalini, and the Female Body

The Women's Healing Program presents Your Own Birth (YOB) for Women:
Sex, Kundalini, and the Female Body

Taught by Nysa Lane, Co-Director of the BPI of Berkeley.

Date: Wednesdays, October 8 - November 12, 2008
Time: 7:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Place: 2210 Harold Way, Berkeley, and online at the other locations

Join us for the whole 6 weeks for $200 contribution, or just drop in for $40 contribution per class. Each week is different. First-time visitors complimentary. All women are welcome.

Call 510-848-2361 for more information. For YOB online, call 510-644-1600.


Your Own Birth (YOB)

Started in 1987, this unique forum is open to all women, beginners or advanced students. We look at the energy that was implanted in your body before your birth, at birth, and beyond, and how it affects who you are today. Guided meditation, psychic counselings & spiritual healings. Ask about special Healing Packages.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Controlling Your Kundalini Power

(Originally printed in Psychic Life, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1982)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

I would like to talk about Kundalini—but let’s keep it simple. What is a miracle? If your friend Joe has a broken arm and I come along and lay my hands over his cast and repeat my little prayer and he is healed in a very short space of time, you would say that this is a miracle. Now, if I teach you how to do this, is this then a miracle?

Part of our problem with so-called psychic phenomena and psychic healing is that anyone can do it or learn it providing that they have a commitment, because no psychic abilities can be taught to anyone without a commitment.

Neither can you be saved without a commitment. Many times, this saving means giving up a way of life for a new path where your old friends no longer tarry with you. You shed this old and you create a new understanding of where you are on your abilities.

The human body is a very wonderful thing. Some of you might have already suspected that all the miracles that are done with the body are done when the being is in the body—for the two must work together. One of the most unfortunate things about Kundalini is that it produces a rush of fire, a rush of energy, a rush of heat, and a rush of power that causes you the being to get blown out of the body by its force.

Many people ask me what causes this. If I knew all of the answers to that, I’d write a new book. But I do know a few. First, the Kundalini is more easily produced by a man than it is by a lady. When a man produces the Kundalini, it starts at the testicles and goes up two channels running side by side of the backbone up through the throat, the sixth chakra and out the crown. Some people have a barrier that is hit near the cortex of the brain and throws the energy back down to the first chakra and there is a ping pong effect of the energy bouncing up and down. This ping pong effect makes the body jump continuously. This is one of the problems of the Shakers and other Jesus freaks. Now, in a lady, Kundalini energy acts in a much different way. The ladies don’t know whether this is a continuous orgasm or “what terrible sinful thing is happening to me.” There is so much ignorance about this area that I could write a whole volume. In the eastern religions it is strictly taboo to teach the ladies how to run this Kundalini energy. In all the history of eastern philosophy they have never bothered to seek a way of turning it off.

The medical society feels that this Kundalini energy is some sort of abnormality of the body. I know this because one lady told me, after I had turned her Kundalini off in 10 minutes, she had spent $28,000 and never received any help (she then never gave anything to the church or me. Oh well, I guess I’m supposed to give.)

Now this is the dilemma: do I have to cure all of the mistakes that everyone else out there produces?

Here is where commitment starts—when someone has been to all the medical doctors and other types of prayer healing and is still not well, am I supposed to heal these people? Am I supposed to charge these people? Or do I let them die in their own energy power? For many years now, there have been groups of religious people from the East teaching Kundalini, and when the person who has been taught goes to the priest and asks, “Now, how do I turn if off?” the priest laughs and says, “Meditate, and if you don’t make it this lifetime, you’ll get another body.”

Now if this power is used correctly, it will clean out energy ridges from the body, painful memories of wounds in a body. It will make the body feel as fresh as a spring breeze and give you the ability and power to conquer all material things on this planet.

If you are seeking this, lots of luck!!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Body Being Tips

(Printed in Psychic Reader, November 1997, Vol. 22, No. 11)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

Hello. We have so many religions which teach ethics in this country, the land of the free. Each time I write about this subject, I hear “hooey.” I see that nobody’s going to hear what I say. Anyway, I’m in amusement about it.

And that’s really what I want to talk to you about today. Amusement. Everyone in Christianity is stuck on morals and ethics. As long as you are operating under someone else’s interpretation of morals and ethics, you will never be able to find your amusement so that you can be free.

I find that I like creative and tremendously responsive and communicative people who say hello every time I say hello at the right level. The right level for me is enthusiasm. The only way I can get into enthusiasm about many of the things I hear, see and read is to become very objective. Objectivity also helps me find that amusement.

The spirit controls the mind and the mind controls the brain. The brain controls the body and its automatic response controls. And it controls on an emotional level.

A spirit who has quit control over his body creates a very safe and happy environment. He is not operating out of the pain and the fear of losing the body. The spirit is no longer afraid of death.

Everybody is afraid to die. And why is everybody afraid to die? Somebody said there’s no hereafter. Prove it to me. Prove it to us. Prove it. Prove it, say the atheists.

Christianity as a whole has become so desperate to tell you that there’s no hope of reincarnation but that there is hope of everlasting life that they are now using “no hope” as a threat. And when anyone uses spiritual truth as a threat, one immediately goes into resistance because one knows it is a lie within himself. One of the greatest things that I have found in my ability to say hello to spirits within bodies and to teach them how to find themselves as spirit is to be able to teach with clarity and amusement. I have learned to be able to look at all these concepts and pictures and find some levity. In spite of my own ability to be neutral, there’s a hidden suspicion of the ultimate threat that I’m going to put you in a cage, lock you up so you can’t get out and keep you in the corner where it’s dark. And to a spirit, this really is a big lie. Spirit doesn’t have to be a sequestered monk if you know how to communicate with the body.

You also have the free will to not have to stay in the body. Let them have it if they want it. This world is a great place if you choose to own that body and not let others control it. It is a great place if you have some freedom from others’ morals and ethics. This space of freedom from ethics creates less resistance in your body.

I’m sure that the pictures that we are in resistance to that we take with us when we leave this body are going to be a great experience in our next step in the great cosmic plan.

I know I’m immortal and I know you are, too. But be careful how you believe it. Be careful how you see. Do not believe me or the others. Go to the source where the knowledge is with amusement and enthusiasm and you will find your answer.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Your Third Eye: Free Workshop

Still have questions about what being psychic means? Want to know what clairvoyance is and how it works? How do you read the human aura? Learn about the spiritual mechanics of psychic/clairvoyant work. This workshop is for all sensitive people who suspect that they see, hear, or know things without knowing why or how.

Date: Monday, September 29, 2008
Time: 7:30 P.M. to 9:30 P.M.
Place: 2210 Harold Way, Berkeley

For more information, call 510-548-8020.

Home Sweet Home

Trance Channeling: An Evening of Spiritual Healing
Home Sweet Home
Your Sanctuary: Who sets the energy? Kids, housemates, etc...?

Date: Saturday, September 27, 2008 (after the psychic fair)
Time: 7:30 P.M.
Place: 516 Sonoma Avenue, Santa Rosa (available online at other locations)

Contribution is $15 in advance and $20 at the door.

Call 510-548-8020 for more information.

Psychic Fair & Spiritual Healing Festival

Have questions about your past, present or future? Interested in knowing more about your relationships, career or spirit guides?

FREE admission, aura healing, psychic abilities demo, and a drawing for a reading every hour.

Date: Saturday and Sunday, September 27 - 28, 2008
Time: 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Place: BPI - all 4 institutes

Readings are $12 contribution or 3 readings for $30.

And after the fair on Saturday night at 7:30 in Santa Rosa (available online at other locations) is the Trance Medium Healing Event:
Home Sweet Home
Your Sanctuary: Who sets the energy? Kids, housemates, etc...?

Join us for a weekend of psychic fun!

Spiritual Autonomy: Having Your Freedom as a Spirit in a Female Body

The Women's Healing Program presents Sunday with Susan:
Women, Trance Mediumship &
Spiritual Autonomy: Having Your Freedom as a Spirit in a Female Body

Date: Sunday, September 14, 2008
Time: 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Place: 2210 Harold Way, Berkeley

$40 donation. First-time guests complimentary admission.

Call 510-548-8020 for more information.


Sundays with Susan

Taught by V. Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Hull Bostwick, executive director of the Berkeley Psychic Institute and founder of the Women's Healing Program. This is an opportunity to get together with other women for a lecture and healing on female issues, with the Oracle Trance Medium Channelers. Open to all women.

Church Services in September

Theme: Amusement

Date: September 14, 2008
Time: 10:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Place: 2210 Harold Way, Berkeley

Eccl 9:07

Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth.

Date: September 28, 2008
Time: 10:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M.
Place: 2210 Harold Way, Berkeley

Jer 30:19

And out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice of them that make merry: and I will multiply them, and they shall not be few; I will also glorify them, and they shall not be small.

We sing, we play, we say hello to spirit. It's the magic of psychic kindergarten at church! Find your space in the vibration of communication with the Supreme Being. All of our services are followed by a potluck social space.

Call 510-848-2361 for more information.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Understanding Female Independence

(Originally printed in Psychic Reader, January 1983)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

One of the great diseases of the soul is loneliness. Loneliness equals no motion, and no motion equals no growth. A soul personality cannot create and be creative unless it (the soul) has a body. The minute a soul takes a body, it ceases to experience its former existence. This is because one of the abilities of the soul personality is that it is always becoming something. The problems in our present time are really no different than the problems of 2,000 or 3,000 years ago.

Let me put it to you in a different perspective. Male and females have the same amount of soul personality energy, or psychic energy. A female uses her psychic energy to create an emotional and physical space in which she gives energy to those she loves. The more she is lonely and guilty, the more she will give to those who will let her give. She might experience this as giving to a church, a club, or a group that she feels enhances her creative ability. The only reason many women put such a high price on “virtues” is that somewhere down the line, they plan to create a space to survive and have their children. Then these same ladies will give it all to those in that home!

On an intuitive and knowingness level, the female can take over the autonomy of the male body space. Therefore, the creative energy in a man is used for one purpose: to break the apron strings and create a male dynasty in a body that has been created by a woman.

The only true understanding between a male and a female comes from experience—from experiencing one another. The pendulum swings back and forth. For the last 2,000 years, men have been experiencing women by controlling them. For a man, this was the only safe way he could exist, or you might say, to own his space.

Part of the problem of misunderstanding is that the male never learned to give to the female. Or the only energy he can give is with strings of control. So the pendulum is now swinging towards female independence. This struggle for female independence has seen some interesting regressions. From where I sit as a clairvoyant, I observe groups of women being caught up in a space where they can control one another. So they create a better competition game with each other than they can with a man or a group of men!

I think that freedom to a woman is finding anyone with whom she can communicate while being able to maintain her own space and have validation. However, if men are fighting within their own natures and cannot give this validation, I guess we will all have to be thrown in the pot, shaken up, and left to choose our mates on an unknowing level, to “experience” one another. And I think someone said, “Damn the torpedoes… full speed ahead!” The only safe place is “I” the psychic.