Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Healing III

A 6-week class for clairvoyant students and graduates. Enrollment is open for the first 2 weeks.
Healing III: Healing with Clairvoyance
Exploring the energy systems of the body

When you are clairvoyant, you own the ultimate healing tool for creating healing miracles. In Healing III, you look at, learn about and heal the energy of: body organs and tissues, the endocrine system, the chakra system, the astral and past lives. We play with new levels of healing energies: Christ Force healings, Supreme Being Healings and Cobalt Blue Healings, while continuing to find new levels of our own amusement and seniority to spirit. What are your tremendous healing mockups for this lifetime?

Date: Thursdays, June 5 - July 10, 2008
Time: 7:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Place: 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley; online at other locations (call 510-644-1600 to register)

Taught by RR Carmen Figueras & Rev. Carolyn Hess.

This 6-week class consists of six 2-1/2-hour classes.
Prerequisite: Clairvoyant Students and Graduates
Contribution: $200

Call 510-548-8020 for more information.

Letting Go of the Child

The Men's Fellowship Program presents:
Letting Go of the Child
Present Time & Your Spiritual Abilities

The Men's Fellowship invites men to recognize and experience their present-time spiritual abilities in this dynamic six-week series of meditation workshops. Present Time is where the time-crossing spirit inhabits the male body it created. Present Time is where men can be free to express their unique talents and step out of invalidating concepts. All men are welcome regardless of meditation experience. The energy vibrations of parent, adult and child will be explored. Being able to step in and out of each vibration is what it's all about.

Date: Wednesdays, June 4 - July 9, 2008
Time: 7:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Place: 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley

Taught by Rt. Rev. Eric Hansen.

Open to all men. First-time visitors are free. Drop-in class, $40 contribution. Entire session is $200.

Questions? Call us at 510-848-5020. For online registration, call 510-644-1600


The Men's Fellowship

The Men's Fellowship has been a gathering place for men for over 25 years. We support any man who is interested in developing his spiritual awareness. We believe that any man can heal himself by consciously experiencing his own spiritual vibration, which is distinctively different from his family, demands and responsibilities.

We teach the Spirit to own, validate and heal the Body. We teach meditation using simple, yet powerful, psychic tools. These tools allow each man to find and experience his own unique freedom, certainty and prosperity. These are spiritual tools that work without effort and seriousness, providing a powerful self-healing experience to the men in our group.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Invaders from Planet Earth

(Originally printed in Psychic Life, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1980)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

As I sat to gather my thoughts about this new magazine and where I am today, I remembered a milestone in my life when I was 45. I found out how other people invade my space. Talk about Invaders from Outer Space. My experience with invaders from planet Earth are in my own reality more intense and threatening than anything a science fiction writer could dream up.

Have you ever walked into a store and suddenly forgot your name? Did you come out of the store with three items you never remembered buying?

It’s called: Someone invaded your space.

Isn’t it amusing that another being can climb into our space and suddenly what belongs to HIM belongs to YOU. You got a great big free dose of his energy. Suddenly you have a problem of non-ownership of your own physical body and your own space and someone else owns all that you have.

What is the problem that we can allow this to happen?

Have you ever gone into a group of people and suddenly there are no other people in existence on the planet but this group? There exists ONLY the man or woman who is the head of the group. The authority of that one individual person totally invades your space. What happens when you go home afterwards and tell your friends or relatives: “Lewis says…” or “The minister says…” or “The priest says…” At that moment you no longer have an original thought of your own. Your family and friends have become aware that you are totally possessed by the power of that other person.

I’d like to tell you a story about myself. I came home from first grade after the first day of school. My mother asked me: “What’s your teacher’s name?” I couldn’t answer. I didn’t know. Finally after a week of asking me and getting no answer about my teacher’s name, my mother went to school. What she found was a Little Old Lady who hated her son.

Because I was so aware and sensitive at that time, everyone expected me to become a brilliant student. But I didn’t find the picture and the energy from that teacher until I was 45 years old.

What kind of pictures and energy have people put into your mental processes that stop your energy as a soul personality from using your creative ability through that physical body the way in which you should express it? This stuck picture acts like a filter on a camera. It has energy, hostility, boredom, apathy—built right into the filter. Let’s see you get your sensitive, psychic energy running through that filter. How do you express your energy?

What about the picture that person put into you that said: “I love you and love is everything.” Are you stuck on that? See you in divorce court. See you in reform school. See you in prison. See you dying of cancer. Or ha ha… enjoy your migraine headache.

Society also programs you to take the pill. In the present day intellectual circles there is no need for God anymore or to know yourself. BIG BROTHER has passed laws in which you have to take and pay for a pill that takes you up and a pill that takes you down. The cost: $1,000 a day to a licensed practitioner who loves to practice playing I-am-your-god. Just pay the $1,000 a day (hospital, clinical, lab fees, x-ray, radiation, exploratory, experimental pills).

Into the hospital comes Lewis representing himself as a psychic healer who by law in the State of California has to tell you that it is illegal to shake your hand and to say “How are you?” The Medical Association is so frightened of healers and of spirit that they have done everything possible in the law to keep you from finding out that you can cure yourself. What was a natural healer like Our Lord Jesus doing when he cast out a devil? (The devil is a picture.) Today Jesus would be put into jail and sentenced for doing what he did in the Bible—laid his hands on your brow and took away the migraine.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Love & Sympathy

(Originally printed in Psychic Life, Vol. 1, No. 4, 1981)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

I am amused at having to play intellectual games. Intellectualizing the writing of this column does not require psychic ability. Being a psychic is doing—one using one’s abilities in order to function more capably in a body.

Although the intellect of the body and the psychic ability of a spirit present a clear dichotomy, like yin and yang, cosmic and earth, there is also a very strong connection between these two about how to play out the game for a number of years.

Understanding the relationship between body and being requires knowing their distinct and separate functions. It is like a game being played in two parts. One breathes, eats, pumps blood, and thinks. The other does none of those, but does have the ability to take full advantage of each and every one of the other’s activities in order to keep the game of having a body going.

Often this game is perceived as a given single human task, leaving off the being role. In this game of life you get to create and control the way in which it is played. Also you get to be spectator, too.

But few can have this understanding of how to play the game. It is because the intelligent creativeness of a being in a body is affected by one great misunderstanding: You have to love—namely—ME.

When this bad word—love—enters the game, the relationship between body and being becomes confused or chaotic. When someone says, “I love you,” are you looking at his own personal definition of the word love or are you looking at your own and assume that he means the same thing you do? Where is a person who is a hypochondriac: “You must love me because I’m ill all the time. The more that you love me the more illness I will create for you to love.”

Then the word takes on another valence: sympathy. The more you can match or sympathize with the illness of the hypochondriac, the better the love relationship is perceived by others. “You don’t love me,” says the mother to the son. “What do you mean I don’t love you?” “Well, if you loved me you’d do as I say.”

So we have a problem with all human beings. The problem is sympathy. Sympathy means to copy the emotion of the other person.

Sympathy works so well and so fast. An example: if you had a fractured arm in a cast and two years ago I had a broken arm, I would rush up to you and say, “I know exactly how you feel.”

The other person is totally invalidated when I say, “I don’t even remember when I broke my arm and it only hurts just a little bit. Besides, I had my cast off in two weeks.”

“I’ll have my cast off in a year and a half,” says your friend.

To a psychic, the painful experiences of a body are a lie. Spirit does not feel pain. It has a very recognizable reaction to the body’s pain. It leaves. Denying pain ever existed. (We often hear people in the medical trade respond to this with: You don’t have any will to get well.) All that really happened was you couldn’t connect, you couldn’t get back into your body.

To the being—soul person—to get well has no meaning because it has always been well.

To a psychic, to look at these tremendous forces of energy, is wondrous to behold—how the energy flows, and how that energy is interpreted as freedom to create.

As a psychic, you are able to watch the body’s machinery create another body and experience that part.

Somehow this all gets tied up in everyday life in the emotion of sex and the game of survival of the body. The being gets into creation of a sympathetic love for another body. He loses his creativity and she loses hers.

When you lose individual creativity you lose the ability to communicate. When you allow your ability to communicate to be lost, your spiritual freedom is then stopped.

Love is the ability of one being to grant another being the total right to be and not change the other body or being to be in sympathy with what one believes is right.

If you don’t believe this is all true, I’ll give you a code of ethics to live by so I can really control you!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

A Healing Trip


Here is my miracle story.

I was taking 'Woman's Intuition' and 'Your Own Birth' at the same. I was cleaning up a lot of stuff. One evening in the astral class we cleaned our astral body from old blocks. One of the monitors while checking on me told me that I didn't just clean it, but I made something new. I didn't understand what that meant. I didn't even believe I did anything.

That evening after the class I headed for Bart. As the Bart train was approaching it looked blurry to me. It was going in and out of focus. When the train stopped I had a feeling I was stepping into a time machine. I don't know why or how far past I was going. I felt the reason was probably because my life was so out of sorts it didn't matter when or where I was any more. I was just lost. As I got into the train a woman caught my attention. She had a red coat on, with a red hat, towing a red suitcase. For some reason she looked like Mary Poppins to me. Then another man in a monk robe. It was a brown monk robe to the floor complete with a full belly and a rope around his belly. I am not sure if he was real or I imagined him. He was stepping out as I was stepping in. Then next station a man got on. He was towing a white cello case and wearing a white cap. The whole train ride felt strange. Even the man standing by the door looking at me like he was onto something as if he was reading me or seeing right thru me. As I was looking out the window, people's reflection in the dark glass seemed distorted.

Now that I think about it, I think I went back to my childhood and healed my childhood. Because those characters reminded me of my childhood stories. Maybe even beyond to a past life. I am not sure how far back I went. But I think it was a healing trip. I have been feeling more confident since then.



Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

I want to talk a little bit about invalidation and havingness. The bounty of earth is great: but only a few people can have it. I find this an amazing phenomenon. One of the reasons for this lack of havingness is that men, under the guise of religion, created rules and regulations to stop people from gaining their awareness and ability to learn. You can’t learn freedom if the rules say you can’t dance, or you can’t talk with God (that’s reserved for holy men), or you can’t have an alcoholic drink. Being aware of God in His infinite creation of this planet, and all of the space in this planet, should make one aware that since we are made in His likeness, we should have all of what he created.

We should be able to use the abilities to have, to experience, to take, to leave and to move in and out of our families, our circle of friends, our educational institution and the government levels without fear of being invalidated. By the way, we become invalidated by those who take their rules out of a book. Invalidation through judgment—you blew it because you didn’t follow the rules—affects your soul personality in which lies real freedom. Bodies operate on emotion, hunger, fear, apathy, threat of death, threat of happiness, amusement and the highest level: enthusiasm. Now, from enthusiasm up to your beingness is where the invalidation takes place. Invalidation drives you out of your creative space.

When you allow the authority figure who goes by the book to drive you out, you become confused. You give up your seniority over your body. Then the bodies around you who are using the greater amount of energy begin to exercise control over you.

Isn’t it amazing that the “powers that be” never passed any laws against dying? As I am writing this, one of my good friends decided to change the game and offed the body. All of us psychics were in amusement, but not so her family. Because they are controlled by the book. And by punishment. The only punishment there is, is man-made on this planet. But there is none in the spirit world. So what I’m saying is that not until you gain your full awareness as a being, can you gain havingness in a body. To have and to be mobile in all situations without guilt and intimidation. Money, love, learning, and knowing one’s self gives spirit in a body mobility. And it cannot be overwhelmed with invalidation. These are the rules.

(Originally printed in Psychic Reader, May 2001, Vol. 26, No. 5)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Church of Divine Man

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

Over twenty years ago, we started the process of teaching people how to find an altered state of consciousness where there was an opening into a group of new worlds that very few people ever enter.

Part of all the problem with psychic phenomenon and spiritual phenomenon is that the body does not know how to handle psychic energy, unless you change the communication or the vibrations between you the spirit and you the body. So I decided to teach people how to find this space. At the time, it was illegal for someone to use this psychic space professionally without being a minister—or a recognized authority, and there were not recognized authorities out there. The only recognized authority was the scientific world of the psychiatrists and medical doctors. The world of spirit was either in the Pentecostal Church or the Spiritualist Churches.

But all of these churches had opened up the New Testament into a space of love, love, love. And when you put any kind of energy between body and spirit, the spiritual communication with the god of one’s heart does not work. This communication will not work until the body has the right impetus to receive the right type of communication on the right wavelength. Now very amusingly, in the legal world it is perfectly all right for a minister to be a psychic and to communicate with the spirit of Jesus and God. Otherwise you could be put in jail.

Because we are able to say hello to spirit in another human being, we must have a church and be responsible to the god of our hearts. This is what the sanctuary of the Church of Divine Man is all about. It is necessary to be well-grounded and versed in the laws that govern healing, spiritual communication, and to operate a church within a society. Our church was also held open to those professional psychics who had no one to protect them.

We do not communicate with dead bodies. They waste away and back into dust. But we do communicate with spirit from the very beginning as it enters into agreement with the pregnant mother, until we bury him or her. What a great space. What a great day!

Amazing how many people out there are frightened of this space. And if you resist becoming spirit, you are going to be a good one. For what you resist you become.

(Originally printed in Psychic Reader, September 2001, Vol. 26, No. 9)