Sunday, June 29, 2008

Space Invaders

(Originally printed in Psychic Life, Vol. 1, No. 5, 1981)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

Here I sit in a restaurant in the south part of Greece being or having or trying to… or who am I? Gee, it might be nice if I were a Greek waiter. Let me take a deep breath, ground myself and get one Greek waiter out of my space. How do you find amusement, exhilaration, enthusiasm and happiness about a beautiful vacation spot with a Greek space invader? (Beware of Greeks bearing gifts.)

Many things happen to human beings, such as: The phone rings. “This is Joe at the corner grocery. Your son just stole a candy bar… This is the police station… Your wife was just caught shoplifting… I know you don’t love me… I know he’s a man of God because I can feel his warmth run through me… I don’t know why I bought that car. It’s a total junk. But I signed the contract.”

Could there be some people on this planet that you have not become aware of that have a superior way of controlling you? Could it be that you are so sensitive that even the sex urge has been stifled by someone else’s morals? Or the sex urge set loose to a point of total wantonness?

These are topics that are not talked about in ordinary conversations. Only in a psychiatrist’s office or with a psychologist intellectualizing your problem or with some religious person saying that you’re guilty. Or it’s all your fault. You allowed somebody in your space. The intellectual healer will try to blame it on Mama’s and Papa’s neurosis.

But is there an intellectual cure for those of us sensitive people who you find hidden in mountains, under rocks, in caves, smoking dope or jumping off bridges?

Many of the people in institutions are there only because they cannot find themselves. So damaged is the spirit by the chaos of other people’s energy that it gets stuck in a picture of pain. Since you, the immortal part, can’t handle the pain of a body, you exteriorize out of it (spaced out).

Many poor little rich kids that are hooked on dope (and poor little poor kids) are stuck in so much pain of the mother’s and father’s B.S. that they must be like them. The parents are fighting, groveling for money to the point where they cannot even be nice to their families. They drive their children out in total pain.

Or the parent considers the child so bad (because he’s not acting like the parent) that he pays the child to stay out of his society of friends. He doesn’t want to explain the moronic actions of the child’s existence.

And where does the outcast go? What way out is there for these people who have become invaded or are too sensitive? They are sent off to college as a cure-all. Must be educated.

Two wonderful things happen when these children go to college. The religious are made into atheists. The other half are made into hating the system. This is because of the intellectual programming that the book is right. I know what the book says—I wrote the book.

Programming was done by the word. Now it has graduated to the books. In the beginning there was the book. In the Bible it says in the beginning there was the word.

Now the book is used as the main tool of the mind. But the mind has lost the tool (body) to experience and create on its own. This is why TV is so programming and hypnotic. The body as a creative instrument has forgotten. It allows the TV to become the tool.

There is much to be said about psychics as sensitives. People who use their sensations as psychics.

In the future columns I will discuss how we have been programmed to lose our autonomy.

P.S. The only people whom I keep around me are free people. And those who can allow me to be free.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Out of Body Experience is Very Common

(Originally printed in Psychic Life, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1982)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

Everyone has had an Out Of Body Experience. If you haven’t, then you will. Everybody dies. Death as an Out Of Body Experience is individual to each person. The extent to which you have been hypnotized in your lifetime to accept the pain of the body as a spiritual burden determines how much time you spend in limbo trying to get out of pain or the lie. It is a lie that spirit has to agree with pain. If a spirit agrees with pain it becomes an atheist, madman or fool.

When a soul is totally stuck in the pain of the body, it becomes a ghost at death, earthbound until it is released. Usually release comes when you simply get tired of being in the same place, spending so much time in pain. This is like getting a divorce from someone you have been with a long time. It’s painful to move out of pain. But when you lose all your energy just being in pain, you travel out of the pain picture and pain is no longer real. That moment is the one in which you take your next step in evolvement.

Pain, as the reality point of the body, makes you feel real. A soul is always trying to manifest reality. I’m amused at this process. Don’t forget that there really is a hell on earth. Moses talks about it as the lime-pits of Egypt behind the pyramids where the lower classes, who didn’t have the political or economic means to become mummified, were burned upon death. Today we call these crematoriums!

The mere mention of hell puts fear into the hearts of many. But what really is fear? Let’s look at it as confusion. Confusion occurs when two forces butt up against each other. What happens then is that all energy stops.

Let’s look at an example of a common Out Of Body Experience: a male and a female make a promise in their bodies to be soul mates forever and ever (re-read your traditional marriage ceremonies, folks). He dies first. When she dies and discovers that he didn’t wait around for her, she experiences confusion. The female aspect of herself engulfs the male aspect of herself and there is a tremendous loss of energy. She is actually stuck in that situation until she creates a new life experience (new body) in order to go through it all over again. (Note: This is how we learn our lessons. We do them all over again until we find our own truth.)

This is just one level of one answer to the question of fear and Out Of Body Experiences. Traditional religions have a difficult time with their young people because they cannot answer the questions about Out Of Body Experiences. The only answer has been, “Have faith, Baby.”

Now, let me ask you ladies something. How can a man (a mere man) understand the creative forces of a creative female? Well, the answer is simple: females have let male MD’s become gynecologists so that they can know more about your body than you do. How amazing! That way, you can give up your seniority and your ability to naturally heal! Many women have OOBE through birth. The male doctor thinks this is hallucination when in reality the being is just watching the body go through birth. Some people have an Out Of Body Experience and don’t recognize it. One such example is dream. There are many different levels of dreaming. When the energy level of the body falls below a certain point there is a place in the brain that shuts down. It’s called the analyzer—the piece of equipment that picks out all the thoughts of the sympathetic nervous system that send on the survival information. When you shut it down, you fall asleep, and then the information is filtered into the visual part of your senses.

For myself, I lay my body down every night and I go up on Mt. Olympus in Greece and lecture. Sometimes I go to a great cathedral built by a group of dedicated beings.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Spiritual Problem: Communication and Being Crazy

(Originally printed in Psychic Life, Vol. 2, No. 4, 1982)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

If you don’t understand crazy people look at our language. It really doesn’t explain in any detail what’s happening to our emotions and how we’re experiencing them. The lack of communication is fantastic. Yet, it is very easy for anyone to get one’s attention by the words, “I know how to make you more aware or more capable” or “I know how to cure your inability to communicate.” From the first time your mother taught you how to say “Daddy” and “Mommy”, until the time you graduated from high school to college and into your first job, everything that was taught to you was about how to communicate.

The unfortunate thing about all of this is that there are so few people out there aware of the fact that many people cannot communicate because they are not in the body. There are different levels of people being out of their bodies, from those who can’t hear, to those who can only feel sexual emotions, to those who lose their ability to communicate (crazy). Most “craziness” did not originate with a physical problem, but a spiritual one.

When a spiritual problem presents itself to the physical world, that is to say to a physical body, it is usually an out of body experience. When the soul leaves that body and that body has not been trained how to handle that experience, it experiences such things as total horror, total terror, total loneliness, total confusion. How does the person who is having this problem get an answer and to whom does the person go for help? The traditional avenues are clogged with ignorance and good intentions. Most agencies cannot comprehend what a person is talking about. There are two places a person usually goes: the local Christian church or the medical complex. Yet sensitives and psychics are not heard there because the truth is more fantastic than the fantasy. Nobody believes you.

I’d like to deviate to talk about ancient history. Those who had seizures and whose body went into convulsions used to be known as seers. When the body starts to jerk and gasp for air, the being has left the body. The eyes roll upwards to a small area in the forehead in which there is a space where the soul and the genetic entity of the body communicate. When the body can’t find that part of itself which gives itself all its answers, the eyes roll upward to see what happened to the other part of itself. One of the abilities of a soul personality is that it is always being something. So that when you are in your body, being a body and operating at a very capable level, and some chemistry or short circuit suddenly ejects the being out, everybody else around becomes frightened.

What the ancients found out was that a new personality then entered the body. They also became aware that they could ask this new personality some questions. This is the same thing that happened to Edgar Cayce. When he left another being entered and talked and answered questions. This was called “Life Readings.”

Well, I guess you know we have gotten out of total communication with the medical complex, the Christian complex and all the other rigid communication stoppers because if you have not experienced it, you cannot be in a compassionate, sympathetic space with the person who has. This raises legal questions of how does one explain to the law, a jury, judge about a young man who is a kleptomaniac only at low tide. At high tide he kills. Why, of course, he’s crazy. I hate to admit it, I’m very aware of what some people are going to say: all isn’t love and beauty on the trip towards heaven. Only to heaven within is the trip successful and a beautiful experience. Read the words of Jesus. Not the words of his disciples.

Goals, Personal Power & Female Creative Energy

Women's Intuitive Training (WIT) & Deja Vu Publishing Company present:
Goals, Personal Power & Female Creative Energy

Workshop Topics:
  • Creating your goals by connecting with your personal power
  • Tool: Running Female Creative Energy & personal power
  • Trance Medium Healing: What do you want; Cleaning out confusion and invalidation
Date: Saturday, July 19, 2008
Place: Calistoga Spa (For spa appointments, call 707-942-6269)

9:00 A.M. - 10:00 A.M. Check-in & Healings
10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. Workshop
12:00 P.M. - 3:00 P.M. Catered lunch & Free time - Optional pampering
3:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Trance Medium Healing & Workshop

$100 includes lunch, healings & workshops, add $25 for a Hands-On Healing

For more information, call Carmen Figueras at 510-644-1600, ext. 106.

*Arrive before 9:00 A.M. to get your pool passes. Check in at the desk to purchase your pass.

Cancellation policy: No refunds two weeks before. No show, no refund.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Love, Love

(Originally printed in Psychic Life, Vol. 1, No. 6, 1981)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

Many people question my teaching being on a kindergarten level. The following story of two young ladies illustrates why I stay right here in psychic preschool.

They walked into the Berkeley Psychic Institute of Sacramento with as much grace and ease as frightened animals. They were tense and untrusting. Both told me nearly the same story: strep throat as a child, hypoglycemia as an adult, unhappy marriage and a search for being wanted, for someone to communicate with. First I will talk about “Sarah” who found the love she was looking for and then lost it.

She told a story of her trip to India. When she was touched by the Guru, she felt this tremendous energy stream through the top of her head and manifest itself in her breast. Her heart and energy swelled so much that the energy poured out of her and she floated up above her body and the Guru. There all things became peaceful and serene, such as she had never felt in her life. No responsibility. It was wonderful. He then proceeded to tell her that this was perhaps not the right place for her because she was in search of the love of her Christian Jesus. He sent her home. I then looked at Sarah’s aura and put my energy into her crown chakra—and matched her energy (which matched the same as her Guru in India) and said to her, “What you are seeking cannot be found in this state you are in which is called being out of your body. All psychic phenomena and all manner of things such as healing must be done within the body because when we are out of the body physical effort, responsibility and ethics do not exist.”

I then let her back into her own space and turned my attention to the other lady, I’ll call her Ella, who sat scrunched down in her chair with both hands over her crown chakra, in tears saying, “This is the only time I have never had anyone invade my space. But it hurts.”

Ella was so sensitive that when near a Guru or any powerful person who would put energy into another person overwhelming that person, it caused great pain in her body. So when Sarah became engulfed, Ella was in pain.

In order to handle her pain Ella went into hiding. As she told her story I was reminded of another lady who hid for 25 years in her bathroom while her husband and children invalidated her by calling her crazy. Her doctor prescribed a drug treatment. When her trance mediumship turned on, a strange being would enter her body, she would leave and a new personality would emerge. She dealt with this by hiding.

Hello to all of you psychic, sensitive people. Sarah and Ella, and persons like them are not free. These people are bound by agreements that are so strong (the agreement to allow physically and spiritually another spirit to inhabit the body) that the only experience they have known is invalidation, being jailed in state mental institutions, being burned at the stake, while all the time proclaiming their innocence.

Many diseases manifest themselves with these kinds of persons: acute alcoholism is one and drug dependency is another. Many people who are stuck on a drug have the same experience as Sarah did in India with her Guru: They must have the energy of a strong person running through the crown chakra at the top of the head and pouring out the fourth chakra at the breast to find total ecstasy. Love. Wonderful emotional fullness.

Jesus knew of this energy when he cast out the demons and laid his hands on the sick. He was able to communicate about the demons that controlled another body making it immobile in fear and hiding.

Oh, yes, I have a kindergarten. Come on in and learn about energy. Learn about people invading your space. Learn about how invalidation takes away your freedom.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Free Will

Trance Channeling: An Evening of Spiritual Healing
Free will
Are your Ancestors/Family beings running your life?

Date: Saturday, June 14, 2008 (after the psychic fair)
Time: 7:30 P.M.
Place: 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley

Contribution is $15 in advance and $20 at the door.

Call 510-548-8020 for more information.

Psychic Fair & Spiritual Healing Festival

Have questions about your past, present or future? Interested in knowing more about your relationships, career or spirit guides?

FREE admission, aura healing, psychic abilities demo, and a drawing for a reading every hour.

Date: Saturday and Sunday, June 14 - 15, 2008
Time: 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Place: BPI - all 4 institutes

Readings are $12 contribution or 3 readings for $30.

And after the fair on Saturday night at 7:30 in Berkeley is the Trance Medium Healing Event:
Free will
Are your Ancestors/Family beings running your life?

Join us for a weekend of psychic fun!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Men and Recreation / Play

Sunday Men's Lecture:
Being Psychic in a Male Body
Men and Recreation / Play

Date: Sunday, June 8, 2008
Time: 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Place: 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley; also available online

Taught by the Men's Staff

$40 donation. First-time guests complimentary admission.

Call 510-548-8020 for more information.


Sunday Men's Lecture

The theme for the 2008 Sunday Men's Lecture Series is:

Being Psychic in a Male Body

Every topic for the year will speak to this theme. The Sunday Men's Lecture emphasizes clairvoyance and running male energy in havingness and validation. We will look clairvoyantly at the things that impact our daily lives and make changes from that space.

Relationship: Getting Your Partner to Give It the Way You Like It

The Women's Healing Program presents Sunday with Susan:
Women, Trance Mediumship &
Relationship: Getting Your Partner to Give It the Way You Like It

Date: Sunday, June 8, 2008
Time: 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Place: 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley

$40 donation. First-time guests complimentary admission.

Call 510-548-8020 for more information.


Sundays with Susan

Taught by V. Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Hull Bostwick, executive director of the Berkeley Psychic Institute and founder of the Women's Healing Program. This is an opportunity to get together with other women for a lecture and healing on female issues, with the Oracle Trance Medium Channelers. Open to all women.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Communication & Invalidation

(Originally printed in Psychic Life, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1981)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

About communication. And invalidation.

Our trouble in the physical world is that we are stupid. Why are we stupid? The Protestant churches have their parochial school. They say to their children: “Don’t talk to the Catholics. They worship idols. Only believe what your minister and the peers of the church have to say. They are your true teachers.” The Catholic church says to its parochial students: “These statues are symbols of love which remind us of His glory and the men and women who dedicated their lives to His teachings.”

The AMA and Medical Board of Examiners say that there is no such thing as faith healing or laying on of hands: The only true way of life and health is through our pills and the knife.

I wonder if you’ve ever looked at the health and welfare and beingness of a congregation of Christian Scientists, who through God’s principles have found their way? But don’t you dare look at a man or woman who has the ability to hear spirit.

Each of the above deny the right of men and women to hear on a higher plane unless it is by the group’s rules. So the invalidation of your beingness and any beingness goes on and on by people who know better for us than we know for ourselves. The word psychic, which conjures up all kinds of horrible things from the media and those spiritual leaders who wish to control our thinking, means “the energy of spirit”. This is why and where we lose communication and die miserably and alone. It’s because people invalidate our words, our abilities and our knowingness.

I’m sure the media would never intentionally be associated with the churches. Yet, I see them riding on the back of the constitutional law which says they have the freedom to invalidate. And only the freedom to validate those which pay them the most money. There might be a few crusaders. But very few.

How many of you can talk to your doctor on his level? How many doctors talk to you on your level? How many educators are there out there teaching teachers that you do not know how or what you should teach your children? They are as bad as the parochial schools. They invalidate our right to know. You do not have the right to be psychic and believe and communicate with the God of your Heart in your own way. Isn’t it amusing that the billions of dollars that go into the medical profession, hospitals, schools, labs, cannot allow you to be your own judge of your health and how you should practice it?

Colleges also perpetuate this same concept. They adhere to the fundamental principle: the more people that believe like I do, the more people I can control and the safer I’ll be in my environment.

Oh well, maybe these are not my problems. For I have but one judge. My Bible tells me that that is God and I believe it and Jesus is my example of how to use my energies to become as capable as He. To be that capable I must become and use my psychic energy.

And guess what I have done? The most dastardly thing on this planet. Shame on me. I have taught 500 men and women to see auras, to use their energy, to get rid of other people’s mental pictures that control them, find their own space, and to know how great their abilities are. Shame on me.

P.S. I have 125 more psychic students in present time. Oh, Well.