Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Trance Channeling: An Evening of Spiritual Healing
Let it Flow! Let it Grow!

Date: Saturday, May 24, 2008 (after the psychic fair)
Time: 7:30 P.M.
Place: 4600 El Camino Real #204, Los Altos

Contribution is $15 in advance and $20 at the door.

Call 650-917-9312 for more information.

Psychic Fair & Spiritual Healing Festival

Have questions about your past, present or future? Interested in knowing more about your relationships, career or spirit guides?

FREE admission, aura healing, psychic abilities demo, and a drawing for a reading every hour.

Date: Saturday and Sunday, May 24 - 25, 2008
Time: 11:00 A.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Place: BPI - all 4 institutes

Readings are $12 contribution or 3 readings for $30.

And after the fair on Saturday night at 7:30 in Los Altos is the Trance Medium Healing Event:
Let it Flow! Let it Grow!

Join us for a weekend of psychic fun!

Havingness & Passion Healing Event

Healings & deprogrammings on your money, relationships, health, wellness, etc. Faith healings, Trance Medium Touch Healings, and Hands-On Healing Packages available.

Date: Saturday, August 2, 2008
Time: 3:00 P.M. - 8:00 P.M.
Place: 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley

From 3:00 P.M. to 4:30 P.M., lecture with Susan Bostwick on:
Your Passion for Being & Having

$40 for lecture only
$75 for regular healings + lecture
$200 for the I am Passionate Healing Package (includes all)

Call 510-848-2361 for more information.

Sexuality & Your Mother's Sex Energy

The Women's Healing Program presents Sunday with Susan:
Women, Trance Mediumship &
Sexuality and Your Mother's Sex Energy

Date: Sunday, May 11, 2008
Time: 2:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Place: 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley

$40 donation. First-time guests complimentary admission.

Call 510-548-8020 for more information.


Sundays with Susan

Taught by V. Rt. Rev. Dr. Susan Hull Bostwick, executive director of the Berkeley Psychic Institute and founder of the Women's Healing Program. This is an opportunity to get together with other women for a lecture and healing on female issues, with the Oracle Trance Medium Channelers. Open to all women.

Nutrition, Bodyweight & Self Affinity

The Women's Healing Program presents Your Own Birth (YOB) for Women:
Nutrition, Bodyweight & Self Affinity
Body/Being Communication

How does your bodyweight relate to your self affinity? Come and work your body/being communication, reset your self affinity, and get healings and readings on what affects your nourishment. You will be creating a psychic plan for your nutrition.

Join us for the whole 6 weeks, or just drop in. Each week is different.

Taught by Rev. Lisa Araquistain.

Date: Wednesdays, June 4 - July 9, 2008
Time: 7:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Place: 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley; and online (for online, call 510-644-1600)

$40 contribution per class, first-time visitors complimentary. All women are welcome.

Call 510-848-2361 for more information.


Your Own Birth (YOB)

Started in 1987, this unique forum is open to all women, beginners or advanced students. We look at the energy that was implanted in your body before your birth, at birth, and beyond, and how it affects who you are today. Guided meditation, psychic counselings & spiritual healings. Ask about special Healing Packages.

Let's Face It!

The Divine Healing Center of Santa Rosa presents:
Let's Face It!
an interactive workshop and mini retreat

In this workshop, we will work the energies of aging, heredity, gravity, and emotions to reclaim the unique expression of our identity, our face! We will be doing professional facial massage, acupressure, face lifts and a facial exercise routine to smooth, tighten, and tone the skin. We will indulge in natural facial treatments. You will get the recipes and samples to take home.

Please bring a towel and a mirror.

Taught by Rev. Annisa Aguilar & Rev. Amy Roden

Date: Saturday, May 17, 2008
Time: 12:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Place: Divine Healing Center in Santa Rosa, 516 Sonoma Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA 95401

Requested contribution: $65 per person or $100 per couple

Call 707-542-6680 to register or for more information.

Church Services in May

Theme: Clairvoyance

Bishops' Service: Mother's Day

Bring your mom to church. This is a service for honoring mothers.

Date: May 11, 2008
Time: 10:30 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Place: 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley

Luke 1:42

And she spake out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

Local Service: Pet Healing Service

This is our annual pet service. Please bring your pets to church. This is an opportunity for them to show themselves off. All pets will receive a healing. Following the service there will be a psychic fair where pet readings will be available. This service will start at 10:00 A.M.

Date: May 25, 2008
Time: 10:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
Place: All locations

Luke 25:39

Behold my hands and my feet, that it is I myself: handle me,
and see; for a spirit hath not flesh and bones, as ye see me have.

All of our services are followed by a potluck social space. Call 510-848-2361 for more information.

Men's Healing Day

All men are welcome!
Change Your Space
Owning Your Male Healing Vibration

The Men's Healing Day allows men to rejuvenate themselves energetically by going within and separating from their responsibilities, demands and obligations. Any man is welcome -- we will teach you the basics of how to meditate and heal yourself. This Men's Healing Day is all about your healing energy. To heal means to change the energy towards more harmony with your spiritual goals. Men at this Healing Day will own their ability to heal themselves first rather than healing the world around them.

Date: Sunday, May 17, 2008
Time: 11:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Place: 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley

$35 contribution pre-registration
$45 at the door

Contribution includes two healing clinics (Male Clinic and a Trancemedium Clinic), Meditation Workshops exploring the theme of Male Healing, and lunch.

Call 510-644-1600 to register.

Spiritual Freedom

The Men's Fellowship Program presents:
Spiritual Freedom
Break the Chains, Release Patterns and Limits

Date: Wednesdays, April 23 - May 29, 2008
Time: 7:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Place: 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley

Taught by Rev. Bill Raven.

All men are welcome. Drop-in class. Contribution $40 per class. First-time visitors are free.

Call 510-848-5020 for more information. For online registration, call 510-644-1600


The Men's Fellowship

The Men's Fellowship has been a gathering place for men for over 25 years. We support any man who is interested in developing his spiritual awareness. We believe that any man can heal himself by consciously experiencing his own spiritual vibration, which is distinctively different from his family, demands and responsibilities.

We teach the Spirit to own, validate and heal the Body. We teach meditation using simple, yet powerful, psychic tools. These tools allow each man to find and experience his own unique freedom, certainty and prosperity. These are spiritual tools that work without effort and seriousness, providing a powerful self-healing experience to the men in our group.

Sunday, April 27, 2008


Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

One of the greatest causes of any and all types of illnesses is that we lose our space inside our head with so many positive injunctions. They have even been multiplied because of advertising, TV and magazines. I’m often very amused about people trying to diet. All the food and material things, everything the eyes of the body see, is programming to buy, have and eat. The program says you can not be without.

There are three levels of information that one must have about self-healing.
  1. Ownership of what is in one's own head, one's own space; to know who is making the decision—you or someone else.

  2. How do we get all of the hypnotic commands out of our space so one can start to think and create a healing space?

  3. The straight and narrow path, which isn’t strict limitation, but really is moderation. Too much goodness destroys the body; too much badness destroys the body.
One of the reasons we cannot find our own space in this physical world is because we are taught not to know the difference between our needs and our wants. Our needs we must have instantly, our wants take longer to produce.

Healing oneself is simple if you know the difference between your being in control of your body rather than everyone else telling you what’s good for it. I am not against one going to the hospitals and to doctors. They are very necessary and most of them very capable, but what I’m trying to communicate is our inability to know ourselves on a spiritual and psychic level. When we know how energy affects the body, we are then able to start to create, within our creative equipment inside the body, the necessary healing forces. This is done by using our imagination to create in the body a group of commands that the body can follow to get well.

Now, if you cannot use your creative ability to heal your body, then you must have a mechanical means to do it—the medical profession. To start to heal yourself you must find a quiet space to review the mistakes or the overindulgence of the narrow path to repair itself. How simple it is. Moderation, good food, good water, good air and eight hours of sleep will take care of healing one’s body. Note: You must be aware that I’m not telling you what to eat or drink, or how to make decisions, how to keep the body in good health. The only way you can use your psychic abilities is to have a healthy body to create the miracles with. Simple, huh! Have a good day.

(Originally printed in Psychic Reader, October 2001, Vol. 26, No. 10)

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Expressing Your Creativity in a Miracle Vibration & in Playfulness

The Women's Healing Program presents Your Own Birth (YOB) for Women: Expressing Your Creativity in a Miracle Vibration & in Playfulness

Date: Wednesdays, April 23 - May 28, 2008
Time: 7:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Place: Berkeley Psychic Institute - all locations, and available online (for online, call 510-644-1600)

Week 1: Conception - Exploring what you want to create
Week 2: 1st Trimester - Expressing your divine spark
Week 3: 2nd Trimester - Bringing your creation out of hiding
Week 4: 3rd Trimester - Getting out of the doldrums - expressing your miracle vibration
Week 5: Labor - Having your creation in joy - release effort!
Week 6: Birth - Manifesting your creation and showing it to the world (letting your light shine)

Taught by Rev. Judy Hunter.

$40 contribution per class, first-time visitors complimentary.

Call 510-848-2361 for more information.


Your Own Birth (YOB)

Started in 1987, this unique forum is open to all women, beginners or advanced students. We look at the energy that was implanted in your body before your birth, at birth, and beyond, and how it affects who you are today. Guided meditation, psychic counselings & spiritual healings. Ask about special Healing Packages.

Women's Creativity

A 6-week class for female graduates and clairvoyant students. Enrollment is open for the first 2 weeks.

Date: Thursdays, April 24 - May 29, 2008
Time: 7:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Place: BPI Berkeley; online at other locations (call 510-644-1600 to register)
  • Ground and run female creative energy in your body and aura, then through the front female creative energy channel and your chakras.
  • Learn to separate your female creative energy from your mother's.
  • Learn to run it to heal yourself.
  • Find your space and discover your own personal power.
  • Have fun, play and experience your own beauty.
  • Use your female creative energy to turn on your sexuality, sensuality, and highest creativity.
  • Did I say, have FUN! Be silly, be a bitch, and have fun being one.
  • Have your own amusement!
  • Kick baby beings out of your space, or select the one you want.
6-week classes consist of six 2-1/2-hour classes. Taught by Carmen Figueras.

Prerequisite: Women's Intuition & enrollment in the Clairvoyant Program
Contribution: $200

Call 510-548-8020 for more information.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Finding Your Own Power Is a Breeze

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

I am going to talk about some lies that are in our universe. Say you want to gain the kingdom of heaven. You want to be a beautiful spirit sitting on the right hand of God. You want to go to that house not made by hands that Jesus talks about. Lots of “I wants.” You have all the needs here in these cases but the “I wants” are always one step beyond our scope or physical awareness.

There are many levels of reasons why, from a psychic’s viewpoint, one isn’t going to attain the goal of spirituality that he is seeking. It is because he does not have all the information. When you make a mistake it is because the soul has insufficient data with which to operate that body. The amount of pain in your body determines how much you’re going to be able to communicate and how much you’re going to be able to direct and control your immediate environment. So if you study hard, work hard, go to bed early all your life, go to church on Sunday, pay your ten percent, your tithe, and profess that you only have one Saviour, then you will attain eternal life. This is a big fallacy. This is a fallacy that the government which wishes to control the church and the atheists who control the church try to perpetrate.

The problem is the bad word called “effort.” There is no physical effort put into and no competition around concentration and meditation in the spiritual world. There’s no beauty, no good and no bad in that spiritual world, either. Communicating with spirit and with the Supreme Being has to be interpreted into words and language which we understand. And part of the problem with the Bible is that really it’s a very simply worded book showing very down to earth, practical level of living. But everyone wishes to intellectualize what every comma means. And since we each have a separate set of fingerprints, it all means something different to each of us.

That’s why we have so many churches. The Catholic Church says, “Hey! We’re the only ones.” Be warned: watch what is taken away from you as you are agreeing with the old-line churches who are “the only ones.” Thus, the most horrible thing has happened to the parents of the children who reject Catholicism when they discover they are psychic.

These parents are so dumbfound because of the change in their child. They have to communicate to some other spiritual person they know in order to find out if “this is okay” for a person to change. To find your creativity as a spirit and to control a body you need some change. There’s no effort in finding your power. Have a good day.

(Originally printed in Psychic Reader, August 1994, Vol. 17, No. 8)