Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Men's Healing Day

All men are welcome!
Change Your Space
Owning Your Male Healing Vibration

The Men's Healing Day allows men to rejuvenate themselves energetically by going within and separating from their responsibilities, demands and obligations. Any man is welcome -- we will teach you the basics of how to meditate and heal yourself. This Men's Healing Day is all about your healing energy. To heal means to change the energy towards more harmony with your spiritual goals. Men at this Healing Day will own their ability to heal themselves first rather than healing the world around them.

Date: Sunday, May 17, 2008
Time: 11:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.
Place: 2018 Allston Way, Berkeley

$35 contribution pre-registration
$45 at the door

Contribution includes two healing clinics (Male Clinic and a Trancemedium Clinic), Meditation Workshops exploring the theme of Male Healing, and lunch.

Call 510-644-1600 to register.

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