Sunday, November 2, 2008

Erasing Genetic Fantasies

(Printed in Psychic Reader, January 2004, Vol. 29, No. 1)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

I’ve always had the theory that one of the first things that civilized man was the horse and saddle. Next were cars. Those two things taught men how to work (because they couldn’t steal horses and they had to drive on the right side of the road or they’d be killed). We have a horrible thing happening now called computers. Young men are going to have to learn to write and use multidimensional thinking. Computers may be the third thing to civilize man. This will be okay until they discover that the ladies have better geometrical minds. I can see in the future that the computer will cause an upgrade of the ladies on this planet to a new status which will allow their full abilities to express themselves. They will be using their mental image perfect pictures that will give them the ability to create the same level of perfection on the screen that they use in making perfect babies.

When I look on a clairvoyant level into the space of one’s head, I see an analyzer, a picture-making machine, and storage disks, which look like tremendous floppy disks. On the individual cells of the memory banks, there are two hundred million years of history recorded. This history record is what makes such a tremendous game of spirits taking bodies and why we as beings lose our space to bodies. You get to improve your record or repeat history every time you reincarnate. However, there can be some very unfortunate happenings to a body that allows this information on the cells to break loose and become free wheeling. This breaking loose is sometimes caused by different types of drugs. It’s like being able to take all the information out of a floppy disk and put it on the screen and then propel ourselves into the middle of this information. Instead of building up a slow fantasy, you are being fuel-injected into fantasies which have been created and forgotten but never destroyed.

I see that not too far in the future we as psychics will be able to take the energy out of these fantasies, and we will be able to erase the fantasies that are handed down on a genetic level from body to body. The erasing of the genetic fantasies and other beings in our fantasies will enhance two things which occupy the same space at the same time—spirit and body—and will put us in a position where the health and welfare of the body will be improved. The competition between two people or two nations will be able to be dissolved and maybe then the meek will inherit the earth. However, it’s sure gonna take some strong, mean guys to save all those atheists and good religious people. I can’t go on, I’m in such amusement. Sometimes, the smallest things are great to think about. Have a great day.

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