Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Out of Body Experience is Very Common

(Originally printed in Psychic Life, Vol. 2, No. 2, 1982)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

Everyone has had an Out Of Body Experience. If you haven’t, then you will. Everybody dies. Death as an Out Of Body Experience is individual to each person. The extent to which you have been hypnotized in your lifetime to accept the pain of the body as a spiritual burden determines how much time you spend in limbo trying to get out of pain or the lie. It is a lie that spirit has to agree with pain. If a spirit agrees with pain it becomes an atheist, madman or fool.

When a soul is totally stuck in the pain of the body, it becomes a ghost at death, earthbound until it is released. Usually release comes when you simply get tired of being in the same place, spending so much time in pain. This is like getting a divorce from someone you have been with a long time. It’s painful to move out of pain. But when you lose all your energy just being in pain, you travel out of the pain picture and pain is no longer real. That moment is the one in which you take your next step in evolvement.

Pain, as the reality point of the body, makes you feel real. A soul is always trying to manifest reality. I’m amused at this process. Don’t forget that there really is a hell on earth. Moses talks about it as the lime-pits of Egypt behind the pyramids where the lower classes, who didn’t have the political or economic means to become mummified, were burned upon death. Today we call these crematoriums!

The mere mention of hell puts fear into the hearts of many. But what really is fear? Let’s look at it as confusion. Confusion occurs when two forces butt up against each other. What happens then is that all energy stops.

Let’s look at an example of a common Out Of Body Experience: a male and a female make a promise in their bodies to be soul mates forever and ever (re-read your traditional marriage ceremonies, folks). He dies first. When she dies and discovers that he didn’t wait around for her, she experiences confusion. The female aspect of herself engulfs the male aspect of herself and there is a tremendous loss of energy. She is actually stuck in that situation until she creates a new life experience (new body) in order to go through it all over again. (Note: This is how we learn our lessons. We do them all over again until we find our own truth.)

This is just one level of one answer to the question of fear and Out Of Body Experiences. Traditional religions have a difficult time with their young people because they cannot answer the questions about Out Of Body Experiences. The only answer has been, “Have faith, Baby.”

Now, let me ask you ladies something. How can a man (a mere man) understand the creative forces of a creative female? Well, the answer is simple: females have let male MD’s become gynecologists so that they can know more about your body than you do. How amazing! That way, you can give up your seniority and your ability to naturally heal! Many women have OOBE through birth. The male doctor thinks this is hallucination when in reality the being is just watching the body go through birth. Some people have an Out Of Body Experience and don’t recognize it. One such example is dream. There are many different levels of dreaming. When the energy level of the body falls below a certain point there is a place in the brain that shuts down. It’s called the analyzer—the piece of equipment that picks out all the thoughts of the sympathetic nervous system that send on the survival information. When you shut it down, you fall asleep, and then the information is filtered into the visual part of your senses.

For myself, I lay my body down every night and I go up on Mt. Olympus in Greece and lecture. Sometimes I go to a great cathedral built by a group of dedicated beings.

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