Saturday, August 9, 2008

Who Is Your Judge?

(Originally printed in Psychic Life, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1981)

Lewis S. Bostwick (1918-1995), Founder of BPI:

How can you find the secret to immortality?

The modern path is strewn with roadblocks in the names of education, medicine, science, media and the law.

Since the Holy Bible can’t make the atheist media or the atheist scientists any money, they can’t allow it to exist as any man’s truth. The spiritual mission of a man is of no value to society because the five levels of society named above can’t believe in any part of the reality that the spiritual man has to offer. The non-believing society curiously creates its own gods.

The Almighty God of the so-called free world has become the educational system. It, like Zeus, produced lesser gods: lawyers who beget judges and police, doctor-scientists who beget the AMA and the pill, and the media who begets more of itself and human-like clones who think like TV sets.

The lawyers, judges and police are caught up in the game of trying to control human emotions by law. For 5,000 years they have been putting men in jail to control emotions. It hasn’t worked yet. The education system creates morons who can become bureaucrats who can only handle regulations out of a book on how to govern people.

What happens when a man doesn’t or can’t conform to the rules of the educational system? Is he a failure? For life?

There are myriad stories of men who lost their ability to control their emotions, ended up in jail, in a court of law, in a psychiatrists office and in a State hospital jail all doped up. No one considers that he may have a spiritual problem.

Each profession has its ethics to try to control the emotions, the spirit it doesn’t comprehend.

One of the ways they try to control us to not have our spirituality is to use the profession’s gimmick word describing a Christian or a believer in unorthodox spiritual things: suicidal, paranoid, schizophrenic.

The other manner of control by society is moral and orthodox religious laws. (I know of a lady who entered a convent and was sleeping poorly because of nightly out-of-body visitations from the convent staff. When she finally discussed these events with the director she was told she was evil and was asked to leave.)

The other ethics are imposed by the AMA, the IRS, and some religions who say who can make money how and in what manner. The scientists and Universities make money on spirit by playing prove-it games.

Now, if I was a spiritual healer and played the game the way the medical profession does, I would ask you to give me your bank account, your house, sit at my feet and throw roses, and agree that I am the only one. I would know what’s good for you more than you would.

As a lone healer, if I cured a lady of flashing energies throughout her body and asked a donation of $20, I would be called a fraud. Even though the medical profession took $20,000 of her money and didn’t help her. But then, that’s different, they have a license to steal. It’s all right for them to make mistakes and charge for them.

I have a problem: I like to have a nice home, car and eat regularly. But THEY say to be a healer you must be a saint, take no money, have the only “God given gifts” and remain poor. How do I work full time to teach the secret of the Universe? (Would you like to know the secret?)

But there is a cosmic joke about spiritual freedom: There was a conclave in the beginning that changed the game. The game involves beings on earth who will attain the enlightenment of all the realities and abilities of God of which they are endowed with from the very beginning. Yet, enlightenment is withheld from them. How does the conclave withhold the God-qualities of the human being? “That’s easy,” cried a voice. “We hide it within himself, tell him all about it and then all the smart people on the planet will talk about it, intellectualize it and pass laws about it, till they no longer can believe that he possesses it.”

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