Thursday, July 31, 2008

Immortality & Past Lives

The Men's Fellowship Program presents:
Immortality & Past Lives

This series is about reclaiming your own energy and releasing any energy which is not in agreement to you as that immortal "Soul Personality". Bring your Male body and plenty of Amusement!

You, the spirit, create many experiences as you take a body, live, die, take another body, and so on. Through these incarnations the spirit lives on and, hopefully, grows in awareness. This immortal spirit sometimes becomes covered by energies you pick up on your path through this experience called "life".

Date: Wednesdays, July 16 - August 20, 2008
Time: 7:30 P.M. - 10:00 P.M.
Place: 2210 Harold Way, Berkeley

Taught by Rt. Rev. Ed Harra, a long-time Men's Teacher who specializes in clear spiritual hellos and fostering spiritual growth among men.

Open to all men. First-time visitors are free. Drop-in class, $40 contribution. Entire session is $200.

Questions? Call us at 510-848-5020. For online registration, call 510-644-1600


The Men's Fellowship

The Men's Fellowship has been a gathering place for men for over 25 years. We support any man who is interested in developing his spiritual awareness. We believe that any man can heal himself by consciously experiencing his own spiritual vibration, which is distinctively different from his family, demands and responsibilities.

We teach the Spirit to own, validate and heal the Body. We teach meditation using simple, yet powerful, psychic tools. These tools allow each man to find and experience his own unique freedom, certainty and prosperity. These are spiritual tools that work without effort and seriousness, providing a powerful self-healing experience to the men in our group.

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